

There's no country in this world that's doing fine since nobody is ready for a global economy which is in the tough spot now. Even kids know this is really a colossal mess, because their ang pow money is less than any year previous hahaha. For us the non-businessleader non-investor, we can definitely help our parents by saving money (referring this specifically to spoiled kids who let money slips through their fingers like water, ur papa mama is neither billionaire nor money making machine ok)

From financial shock to sharp economic loss, what comes next? I'm sure there will be still a lot of shock and changes following. Like so many of us, we fear change because we're too afraid of losing. However change is a fact in life and it is constant. Refusal of dealing with change is simply like denying reality and you'll be stepping your life into bitterness.

At the early stage of confronting change, there's like a thousand no no no no no in your brain, then for the rest of the day or weeks, you feel depressed and unhappy, you think and fidget a lot, you say No to friends' invitation, you even get trouble going to sleep and waking up frequently in the middle of the night, you're not well-rested at all and it all comes to an idea: I hate living on earth! but deep down you know, you're given only 1 option in order to make progress- change! and change is the very first step before aspire, progress and evolve take place. So when time goes by, you start implementing change until one fine day you didn't realize that you've actually coped with it. You whisper to yourself hey, change is not such a bad thing right, it brings more good in fact, then you smile.

Serious, we really have to modify our perception that change is worthwhile (sometimes). Just like why grass bends with wind instead of showing the hardwood property--- when you accept, it doesn't mean give up. So it is really up to us whether to be a tall and big tree or a gentle spring grass. (start looking inward and be introspective people) But for now, neither pokok nor rumput i want to be, yawn~ i want to sleep


Kennedy said...

well written..hehe..I agree with you tat we need to change to improve ourselves..definitely need to change..no other way out..ya..anyway,u can visit my blogs at http://www.kennedypek.blogspot.com/ and http://sleeplesskennedy-1985.blog.friendster.com/..
I tot u wrote a blog yesterday??din c it ge??

chen wei said...

For your info i don't publish all my posts :P