
Cool or Fool

Most telling, it's foolish to think appearances don't matter at all. And I believe that everybody takes time standing in front of the mirror and puts in effort to make the best appearance possible for their own self. Guys spike up their hair; Ladies put on their nicest outfit before stepping outside their door, so that no one ever had to tell them there's spinach in their teeth or there's hair out of place. Because everybody knows, in this materialistic world people tend to judge a book by its cover, and that's why we can still see the phenomena- good looking people earn more attention and favorable impression.

Talking about hair styling, there was once my lil bro walked up to me uninvited and asked for help to style his hair, i took the comb, regularly combed and brushed his hair, then i was like...... paused, thinking "wad should i do next". I tried to reminisce hairstyles of some of the male friends in class and thought that i could refer theirs then do it on my bro, but to no avail. I've disappointed him that evening. Until today, i'm very curious to know how guys style their hair to make it look that way(neat yet stylish :P) even if their hair is only4-5cm short.

During previous schooldays, i saw a lot of young men with bald heads. My first reaction was "Wad happened dude". I don't really understand why a guy who could potentially have a nice head of hair shaves it bald, as they are not in the military, no cancer, or a psycho. Why?????????????????????????????

50 marks deduction

Not me alone, my friends too find it uncomfortable dealing with bald young men, and the guy would be labelled ''FAIL" after that. (guys it's just the truth of my perception, no offence :P)

Ok back to girls. Would mention only 1, not gonna betray my gender :P Hmm..... Let's just take 1- the toilet outside the cinema. Have you ever notice that whenever a show ends, the walkway outside the toilet would be crowded by men, waiting patiently for their beloved- bf waits for gf, husband waits for wife, father waits for daughters....etc.

our Gentlemen

And at the same time, girls in the toilet are stretching and removing wrinkles on their clothes, brushing hair with bare hands, reapplying foundation, checking if their fringe is out of place....... everything's about maintenance. And trust me, girls want to walk beside you always with their finest attire. So guys, pardon girls if they make you wait XD

This is human nature, they tend to leave their brain at home

Yes i've seen some very good-looking guys, but they are pure trash on the inside! and again we labelled them "FAIL". The situation is more or less like...
First impression - "I think he's cool...";
After working together - "I think he's actually a fool..."

Lol, won't comment much on it. the moral of the story is, Bring your brain along wherever you go.

A message to my Left Brain --- All the best


david santos said...

Your work is Art! You are Master!!!

Great and pretty week for Malasian people!!!

Anonymous said...

haha, agreed with the 50% marks deduction. we gotta adapt to this materialistic world, sigh. btw, your blog, nice =p

chen wei said...

david santos n shin lu, i can say nothing but thanks :p

Kennedy said...

nice drawing for this blog n the other 1 as well..a picture paints a thousand words..haha..

chen wei said...

Thanks again haha